
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

TaDa! Lists

A while back, I was looking on Pinterest and came across the idea of a TaDa! List.  How fabulous is this???  I don't know where the idea originated from, but the general idea is to have a list of things accomplished and at the end of a task or the day, you can look at the list and say "TaDa! Look what I accomplished!"  I love this idea, because we need to give ourselves more credit for what we have accomplished.  Even if the ideas seem small and insignificant, they can really add up to a big "TaDa" moment for us.

Consider this: you are depressed and it is a struggle just to get a shower every day.  How awesome is it to reflect back on a day when you not only got a shower, but also got dressed and made it to the grocery store!       Even if depression isn't an issue for you, these tasks might be a big accomplishment.  Focusing on the good things that we have done leaves little room to dwell on the things we haven't done.  It also allows you to start thinking of positives in your life.

Too often, we notice what we fail at, don't do well, etc.  Do we really need help with this?  The world throws that at us enough, we really could leave ourselves alone!

A twist on this, that may particularly work with children, is to make a TaDa! List of others; notice things they are doing.  What have they done well?  What have they accomplished?  Present it to them at the end of the day or week to let them know you've been watching them and noticed the good job they did.  (Employers take note:) This is a great way to motivate people to do well at whatever task they have been assigned.

So I challenge you today; observe the things you actually accomplished or those that another did well and actually write it on a sheet of paper.

How would you use this technique?

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